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Emission Reductions

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
The Exhibition


Take the opportunity to meet and network with the minds behind the visual presentations during this session. The Technical & Business Program Visual Presentations can be viewed in the Exhibition Hall during the Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition. All visual presentations, plus their accompanying Peer-reviewed Papers or Extended Abstracts will be included in The Australian Energy Producers Journal (2024) and Supplements.


Geoscience skills supplement emissions reduction through carbon solutions
Jeffrey Ball*, Nick Kennedy & Melinda Reynolds (Woodside Energy)
Monitor and reduce emissions to meet compliance and sustainability goals
Nicolas Castelijns* (HoneyWell Limited), Peter Dalgety (Honeywell Process Solutions)
Megawatts to Methane – a deep drop in emissions reduction transition for existing regional gas-based Ammonia plants
Jacob De Boer* (Kent)
Operating in the context of evolving climate disclosure frameworks
Georgia Gee, Mark Smyth & Edward Einfeld* (Herbert Smith Freehills LLP Australia)
Emissions, Carbon Abatement and Data Integration: CCS Projects
Fabio Terzini (Elite Energy Consultants), Brett Morkunas (Nexia Edwards Marshall), (Presented by Stephen Finnie* (Elite Energy Consultants))
Defining the geomechanical operating limits for subsurface CO2 storage
Simon Holford* (The University of Adelaide), Mojtaba Rajabi (The University of Queensland), Scott Mildren (Tech Limit Pty Ltd.), Rosalind King (The Unversity of Adelaide), Adam Bailey (Geoscience Australia)
Reliable local renewable power decarbonizing offshore energy
Ana Silva & Lorna Yuill (Baker Hughes), (Presented by Andy Marshall* (Baker Hughes))
A Satellite Constellation dedicated to frequently monitor methane Emissions from oil and gas facilities around the world
Lola Odunsi* and Matthew Mueller, (GHGSat)
The Australian Hydrogen Centre - Feasibility studies for achieving 10% and 100% renewable hydrogen in South Australia and Victoria
Owen Sharpe* & Krissy Raman (AGIG)
Life of Field Emission Forecast Development and reduction option screening for a multi-train LNG hub
Louise Whitelaw*, Holly Patrizi* & Sally Hillam (Woodside Energy)


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Mr Jeffrey Ball
Woodside Energy

Geoscience skills supplement emissions reduction through carbon solutions


As the energy sector transitions, traditional geoscience occupations have been impacted by the decrease in upstream oil and gas activity. However, these roles are highly technical and innovative, and can benefit many sectors if re-deployed.
Net zero ambitions cannot be met without carbon offsetting. Woodside made the decision to create a carbon business and actively ‘originate’ offsets through carbon farming. Millions of seedlings have been planted on less productive farmland in WA. The success of the program has been enhanced through the transferrable skills that geoscientists provide.
Much like the petroleum geoscience discipline, carbon offset investment requires an assessment of a natural resource. There is uncertainty in the total volume, the future state, and the policy conditions impacting the resource. Geoscientists at Woodside have led initiatives to assess carbon yield, quantify and forecast uncertainty, and develop decision making frameworks for project investment. As a result, Woodside is an astute market participant and project developer in the nascent carbon market.
Geospatial analytics is critical throughout the value chain of a planting project, including site selection, project design, site execution, monitoring and reporting. Remote sensing and imagery analysis are required for monitoring growth and quantifying carbon sequestration. Geospatial mapping applications have increased project efficiency, providing accurate, real-time data to and from the field. Geospatial data integration with tractor GPS units optimises planting through precision agriculture.
Re-deploying geoscientists from in-house has provided Woodside with a competitive advantage, facilitating rapid growth to become a leader in the field.


Geospatial Analyst with six years of professional experience. Out of university I worked a couple of short-term consulting jobs and joined Woodside in 2018 as a Geospatial Analyst. Here, I created spatial solutions and provided support right throughout the business, including new energy projects, survey support, environmental approvals, and emergency response. Two years ago, I moved to the Carbon team to provide geospatial support to our carbon farming opportunities. In this role, I was able to really expand my capabilities, performing wide ranging remote sensing classification and processing jobs, automating workflows and producing fieldwork apps. Still in the team, my role has expanded to purchasing and leasing properties for carbon projects, development approvals, planting designs and land management.
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Mr Nicolas Castelijns
Solutions Consultant

Monitor and reduce emissions to meet compliance and sustainability goals


In today’s climate-conscious world, companies across the globe continue to push to optimize energy use and reduce or eliminate their greenhouse gas emissions. Investments aimed at emission monitoring and reduction are driven by the need to optimize consumption of electricity, gas, oil, and water to meet emissions reduction targets and sustainability goals. Tracking and reducing emissions can improve process uptime through predictive maintenance and reduce product losses across the process.
Methane emissions are getting particular focus as it is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. The Environmental Protection Agency stated that a third of methane emissions in North America come from the Industrial sector, and similar figures come from the European Commission. It is no wonder that the Government and industry are laser-focused on improving their approach to the reduction of methane emissions.
As companies drive their own corporate standards to achieve net zero emissions there is also a need to comply with existing and upcoming governmental emissions standards and regulations and report emissions on a periodic basis. The trend to move fugitive emissions monitoring from periodic to continuous provides operators with a greater insight into emissions sources which drives efficiencies through the reduction of lost product and a more predictive approach to maintenance. Investors are increasingly focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and favoring companies that can demonstrate strong ESG performance. Fugitive emission leaks can translate into billions of dollars of lost productivity annually, and serious occupational accidents.


Nic Castelijns is a Solutions Consultant with Honeywell Connected Industrial. Nic has over 25 years of experience, working across a number of roles focused on process control and OT systems. This has included implementing and consulting on projects throughout the Asia-Pacific region, with a specialisation in Advanced Process Control and simulation. Projects have spanned a wide variety of upstream and downstream hydrocarbon processing facilities. Nic holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) from the University of Adelaide and in based in Perth, Australia.

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Mr Jacob De Boer
Process SME Hydrogen and New Energy

Megawatts to Methane – a deep drop in emissions reduction transition for existing regional gas-based Ammonia plants


Ammonia is critical for sustaining food production for more than half of the world’s population.
Across the world, there are many regional ammonia plants converting all ammonia to ammonium nitrate. This means that all energy-derived carbon input ends up as CO2, with around two tonnes of CO2 released per tonne of ammonia produced using natural gas-based plants. Note that ammonia plants produce pre-concentrated CO2 as part of their normal operation.
This paper outlines how to develop a 30% CO2 reduction (or bonus 43%) to extend the useful life of the asset while re-using much of the plant, with the ability to turn on/off the green energy with minimal disruption for stable operation.
The example plant is based on a typical 750tpd ammonia gas steam methane reforming (SMR) plant. The approach considers adding and integrating green power and biogas into this plant to reduce net reportable CO2 emissions.
While methanation of CO2 has been reported in several small-scale demonstration projects, the key is to develop a transition pathway for an existing gas-based plant, extending its operational life and flexibility to operate with varying degrees of variable green energy supply. This reduces the high capex of an entirely new plant and co-produces a ‘drop-in’ product.
Further, although SNG is used in this case, the approach can be beneficially applied with methanol, DME, and other Power-to-X opportunities, pending the regional markets near the facility.


Jake is a highly experienced and effective front-end process subject matter expert who specialises in hydrogen and emerging energy solutions. He has worked with hydrogen, syngas and ammonia over various projects and energy sources (green, blue, grey and purple) in locations around the world, bringing both a global and regional perspective. He is employed by Kentplc in Perth, Western Australia.

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Mr Edward Einfeld
Senior Associate
Herbert Smith Freehills

Operating in the context of evolving climate disclosure frameworks


The standards for companies reporting on the environmental impacts of their operations has changed drastically over the last decade and is about to become even more complex.
Initially, limited regulation or guidance available to companies in relation to climate disclosures led to widely diverging practice. This has led to many companies facing allegations of ‘greenwashing’ and in some cases litigation and shareholder activism.
However, the Australian Government has recently announced it will implement mandatory climate reporting commencing from 1 July 2024 for many Australian companies.
The additional climate disclosures – encouraged by pressure from stakeholders and required by the new reporting regulations – will obviously make environmental management more complex. They will also provide activists with opportunities to disrupt and interfere with the approval process for new projects, by finding inconsistencies between a company’s climate disclosures generally and what they have said in their project approval documents.
Our presentation would provide our views on the most effective strategies and mitigation steps that can be taken to reduce this risk of disruption and disincentivise activist interference more generally, drawing from our experience in acting for clients facing legal climate change actions and on advising energy and resources clients in relation to climate change and ESG issues more broadly.
In particular we will cover:
• common greenwashing ‘tips and traps’;
• the aspects of the new mandatory climate reporting regime that will be most difficult to comply with;
• stakeholder / activist engagement planning; and
• how Boards should approach these issues.


Edward is a disputes and regulatory investigations lawyer at Herbert Smith Freehills, specialising in ESG, shareholder litigation and directors’ duties. He uses his expertise in managing complex disputes and regulatory engagements in the energy, resources and financial services sectors to provide valuable insight to companies and senior executives on existing and emerging risks in those sectors. Edward is acting for two ASX 100 companies in relation to ongoing proceedings regarding allegations of “greenwashing” and has advised a range of public and private companies on their climate disclosure obligations, response to modern slavery allegations and shareholder litigation. Edward is listed by Doyle’s Guide as a Rising Star in Commercial Litigation, NSW (2022), and was recognised by clients (in Legal500 Australia 2021 – White Collar Crime) as “extremely responsive” and listening “to the actual situation of the company and adjusting the process and output to the needs. Very pleasant to deal with”.

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Mr Stephen Finnie
Elite Energy Consultants

Emissions, Carbon Abatement and Data Integration: CCS Projects


This paper explores the advantages of incorporating a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) application into your Hydrocarbon Data Management System, in addition to the commonly employed Hydrocarbon Accounting (HCA). The fundamental principles of data acquisition, validation, quantification, and reporting align seamlessly with the established processes employed for HCA. Therefore, leveraging a centralized and structured database for data importation, recording, compilation, and analysis offers distinct benefits to CCS projects, including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reporting.
All stages of the CCS process involve measurement, including capture, transportation, injection, and storage. The key information that can be stored in the system and used in consecutive calculations/ analyses are:
• Quantity (volume or mass) of CO2 across various parts of the network
• Composition - to determine that the purity of the CO2 remains within the contractual and safety limits.
• Physical properties (e.g. phase, density, compressibility) – to monitor the behaviour of the of the CO2 stream to enable effective control and measurement.
The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008, defines the requirements in relation to carbon capture and storage as well as specifies the methodology to calculate the fugitive emissions from carbon capture and storage and enhanced oil recovery (under Part 3.4). These calculations will be carried out by the system using the already available data.
In summary, the CCS application within the Hydrocarbon Data Management System will provide a streamlined business process as well as ensure compliance with legislative requirements in a transparent and auditable manner.


Mr Stephen Finnie Locke, as the Founder and CEO of Elite Energy Consultants, brings over 20 years of industry experience with a focus on innovative technical solutions in the energy sector. Driven by a passion for efficiency and sustainability, he established Elite to transform production data management and decision-making in Oil and Gas. Under his leadership, Elite has become a trusted partner for major energy companies, leveraging technology and expert engineering to enhance operational efficiencies and empower clients with reliable production and emissions data. His commitment to client-centered service and achieving net-zero goals through improved data reliability continues to lead Elite towards industry leading sustainable practices in operational excellence.

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Prof Simon Holford
SA State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience
The University of Adelaide

Defining the geomechanical operating limits for subsurface CO2 storage


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a critical component of proposed pathways to limit global warming, though considerable upscaling is required to meet the emissions reductions targets. Quantifying and managing the risks of fault reactivation is the leading barrier to scaling global CCS projects from current levels of ~40 MtCO2/yr to target levels of ~5-10 GtCO2/yr because CO2 injection into reservoirs results in increased pore fluid pressure, which can reduce the strength of rocks and faults, and induce brittle failure. This can result in induced seismicity whilst hydraulic fracturing of sealing formations can provide pathways for CO2 leakage. Consequently, identifying favourable geomechanical conditions (typically determined through data on pre-injection rock stress, strength and pore-fluid pressures) to avoid deformation of reservoirs and seals represents a key challenge in the selection and de-risking of safe and effective sites for CCS projects. Critically however, such geomechanical data are typically spatially limited (i.e. restricted to wells) and mainly consist of crustal stress orientation measurements, rather than a full 3D description of the stress tensor and related geomechanical properties. This paper will provide a state-of-the-art review of the key geomechanical issues and knowledge gaps that need to be understood to enable successful reservoir and seal management, and ultimately long-term storage efficacy, for CCS projects in an Australian context. It will also highlight recent advances in multi-scale and dimensional geomechanical modelling approaches that can be used to assess and derisk sites for the storage of CO2, and other gases including hydrogen.


Professor Simon Holford is South Australian State Chair of Petroleum Geoscience in the Discipline of Earth Sciences, University of Adelaide. Simon has published ~100 papers on the prospectivity and tectonics of rifted margins, petroleum geomechanics and magmatism in basins. Simon has successfully supervised ~15 PhD students and ~60 Honours and Masters students. Simon has a PhD from the University of Birmingham and a BSc(Hons) from Keele University. Simon has won multiple awards, including Best Paper prizes at APPEA 2012 and AEGC 2019, Best Extended Abstract at APPEA 2021 and the Geological Society of Australia’s Walter Howchin and ES Hills medals.

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Mr Andy Marshall
Senior Product Manager
Baker Hughes

Reliable local renewable power decarbonizing offshore energy


Reliable local renewable power generation enables more environmentally and economically viable operations, to meet with the challenge of renewable energy intermittency and energy security. The Renewables for Subsea Power (RSP) project support targets towards net zero targets by providing a full solution to generate low carbon, cost-effective, power and communications to remote locations in the offshore energy industry. The development of the RSP system is a collaborative project led by three UK-based companies in partnership with wider industry engagement from operators and the Aberdeen-based Net Zero Technology Centre.
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is set to play a key role in the energy transition. CCUS developments will incorporate all-electric subsea systems that can benefit from the Renewables for Subsea Power (RSP) solution.
This first of a kind integrated solution will contribute significantly to the generation of clean energy in the petroleum industry using a wave energy converter and seabed battery energy storage for production control applications. The various applications that would benefit from the cost and CO2 savings from deploying the system, compared to traditional methods, include umbilical remediation, brownfield expansion, long offsets, CCUS, and autonomous underwater vehicle residency. For CCUS projects key advantages are a specific design catered towards simplified controls architecture (e.g., electric controls), and the ability to offer an alternative to direct current fiber-optic from shore.
A full system demonstrator deployment commenced in Feb-23 and has demonstrated system capability to power subsea equipment and an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Trials continue through 2023.


Andy Marshall is a Senior Product Manager with Baker Hughes Subsea Technology team and is based in Perth Australia. His core responsibilities include representing Baker Hughes’ subsea systems & technology group in the APAC region, as well as being the product manager for Baker Hughes shallow-water subsea portfolio and subsea CO2 injection systems. Andy has been with Baker Hughes since October 2007. He started his Oil & Gas career with BP while completing a Mechanical Engineering Degree at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. He joined VetcoGray (now part of Baker Hughes) in Aberdeen as a graduate Subsea Engineer. Since then, he has held several subsea engineering positions with Schlumberger, FMC and GE; including Xmas Tree Engineer, System Engineer, and most recently as the Regional Engineering manager, before moving into Product management 2-1/2 years ago.

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Ms Lola Odunsi
International Director Oil & Gas

A Satellite Constellation dedicated to frequently monitor methane Emissions from oil and gas facilities around the world


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the existing company-owned constellation of satellites that is actively being used to identify methane emissions in the Oil and Gas Industry. This paper will show the utility of this remote sensing platform to help with emissions mitigation, regulatory compliance, and its role as an integral part of an emissions intensity improvement strategy.
This manuscript will provide an overview of the available and functional satellite constellation from GHGSat. The instrument on board each satellite uses spectroscopy principles to detect and further quantify methane emissions, exhibiting a spatial resolution of less than 30 meters. A discussion on how this constellation can be used as a key service system in the mitigation of emissions will be presented. Additionally, proposing the use of this constellation as a way of demonstrating regulatory compliance will be discussed.
Results presented in this manuscript will reflect observations taken with the existing constellation of satellites. Recent examples of Oil and Gas emitting facilities around the world will be presented followed by a discussion on how this constellation can serve three objectives: 1) emissions mitigation; 2) regulatory compliance; and 3) a system to achieve voluntary efforts such as OGMP 2.0. The intention for this article is to demonstrate that, knowing that no single solution can provide complete coverage at a manageable cost, the use of a satellite constellation is an efficient way of monitoring for large leaks with increased frequency, this as an integral part of a methane emissions management program.


Lola Odunsi works for GHGSat as an International Sales Director, with focus on the Oil and Gas Industry. GHGSat designs and utilises its unique high-resolution satellites and its analytics applications, in conjunction with other systems, to detect, measure and monitor greenhouse gas emissions. During her 22 years in the Oil and Gas Industry, Lola has filled a variety of roles, in Geoscience and Digital based operations, Account Management, Sales and Business Development with companies including ION, Paradigm and Schlumberger. She is a strategic advisor in the energy sector to independent, national and multinational companies and regulators in developing optimised solutions that accelerate their de-carbonisation plans. Lola holds a BEng in Engineering Geology from University of Portsmouth and an MSc/DIC in Petroleum Geoscience from Imperial College London.

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Mr Owen Sharpe
Strategy Manager

The Australian Hydrogen Centre - Feasibility studies for achieving 10% and 100% renewable hydrogen in South Australia and Victoria


The Australian Hydrogen Centre (AHC) was established to deliver Australian-first feasibility studies of how existing natural gas distribution networks could be used in a system to produce, store, and transport renewable hydrogen, decarbonising gas supply while still meeting the needs of millions of customers.
The AHC Reports show that it is technically and economically feasible to use existing gas infrastructure for scaled hydrogen distribution, delivering:
1. A net zero carbon emissions gas network;
2. Minimised customer disruption whilst retaining security and diversity of energy supply;
3. Services to the electricity grid through flexible electricity demand and frequency control;
4. 15 gigawatts (GW) of electrolysis supported by over 30 GW of new renewable electricity generation;
5. 30 petajoules (PJ) of hydrogen storage to harness the ability of gas to store vast amounts of energy, balancing renewable electricity supply and demand swings between colder and warmer months; and
6. Over $1.5 billion in additional economic value a year including more than 12,500 jobs during construction and more than 6,200 jobs during operation.
Supported by a range of independent technical studies, the Reports provide a better understanding of the opportunity to access Australia’s world-class gas distribution infrastructure to unlock its hydrogen opportunity whilst retaining energy security and affordability, and identifies a range of low-regret enablers that could trigger coordinated action by government and industry. They also share learnings from Hydrogen Park South Australia (HyP SA), an Australian-first demonstration of hydrogen blending in a gas distribution network.


Owen contributes to AGIG’s strategic priorities including renewable gases (hydrogen and biomethane) and sustainability. Projects of note include Hydrogen Parks South Australia, Murray Valley and Gladstone; as well as the Australian Hydrogen Centre and AGIG's inaugural ESG report and Reconciliation Action Plan. Building on his experience as a lawyer and government advisor, Owen bridges commercial, technical, regulatory and engagement disciplines to work with industry and governments to enable renewable gases development as a key pillar to the wider energy transition. Additional associations include: Future Fuels CRC Industry Advisor, H2Q Connect Summit Industry Advisor, SA DPC ForceForty Member, SA Premier's Energy Awards Judging Panel.

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Ms Louise Whitelaw
NWS Developments Team Lead Process
Woodside Energy

Life of Field Emission Forecast Development and reduction option screening for a multi-train LNG hub


The Karratha Gas Plant (KGP) is a complex integrated facility which produces Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), domestic gas (DOMGAS), condensate, propane, and butane products. The multi-train facility has been operating for over 40 years with several phases of expansion resulting in a range of gas turbine technology and energy efficiency levels across the facility. The challenge for the next phase of KGP operation is to manage declining NWS feed gas levels, and the addition of Other Resource Owners feed gas with a variety of compositions, all while reducing emissions and maintaining energy efficiency.
A flexible emissions forecasting tool has been developed which allows unit and whole of facility emissions reduction and energy efficiency options to be assessed. The tool builds on current quarterly timestep production forecasts and models ambient temperature, unit turndown and turn-off strategies, and potential brownfields modifications.
The ability to generate and compare life of field emissions profiles for extrapolated operating modes and proposed modifications allows unit strategies and phasing of emissions reduction modifications to be investigated and screened before further economic assessment and creation of marginal abatement cost curves (MACC).


Louise has over 30 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry with a broad background covering both conceptual and detailed design in the upstream and LNG industry after graduating with a Bachelor of Chemical and Process Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in 1991. Since joining Woodside Energy in 2006 Louise has had multiple roles in the organisation covering production forecasting, business planning and development engineering. In her current role as team lead for the North West Shelf project development engineers she is responsible for a portfolio of front end opportunities for both onshore and offshore facilities including new sub-sea tie-backs, Other Resource Owner (ORO) processing, production/infrastructure optimisation and emissions reduction.

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Ms Holly Patrizi
Process Engineer
Woodside Energy

Life of Field Emission Forecast Development and reduction option screening for a multi-train LNG hub


The Karratha Gas Plant (KGP) is a complex integrated facility which produces Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), domestic gas (DOMGAS), condensate, propane, and butane products. The multi-train facility has been operating for over 40 years with several phases of expansion resulting in a range of gas turbine technology and energy efficiency levels across the facility. The challenge for the next phase of KGP operation is to manage declining NWS feed gas levels, and the addition of Other Resource Owners feed gas with a variety of compositions, all while reducing emissions and maintaining energy efficiency.
A flexible emissions forecasting tool has been developed which allows unit and whole of facility emissions reduction and energy efficiency options to be assessed. The tool builds on current quarterly timestep production forecasts and models ambient temperature, unit turndown and turn-off strategies, and potential brownfields modifications.
The ability to generate and compare life of field emissions profiles for extrapolated operating modes and proposed modifications allows unit strategies and phasing of emissions reduction modifications to be investigated and screened before further economic assessment and creation of marginal abatement cost curves (MACC).


Holly is a process engineer and has been working for Woodside Energy for 7 years after graduating with a Bachelor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the University of Queensland. With primary experience in front end conceptual assessments for Other Resource Owner (ORO) processing through existing infrastructure, Holly is currently supporting development of the Browse Decarbonisation Strategy, determining emissions profiles, infrastructure optimisation, and cost forecasts to achieve decarbonisation targets.

See Full Program